
n. 番茄, 西红柿

n. mildly acid red or yellow pulpy fruit eaten as a vegetable
n. native to South America; widely cultivated in many varieties


1.I have some tomatoes. I can make a tomato salad.

还有一些番茄 我来做个番茄沙拉

2.It’s like asking a really delicious tomato to make you a tomato sandwich.

这就好比让一个美味的番茄 给你做一个番茄三明治

3.Well, I mean, except if I’m making a tomato sauce and the crystal keeps dipping in the tomato sauce.

除非是我在做番茄酱 而水晶老是沾到番茄酱

4.From there, take your tomatoes you can just use red tomatoes, but these yellow and red make the perfect combination.

就在这会儿 拿小番茄 你可以只用红色小番茄 但有红有黄混在一起特别好看

5.Next, add fresh, chopped tomatoes, then cumin seeds, and fry until the seeds are fragrant and the tomatoes are lovely and soft.

接下来 加入切碎的新鲜西红柿 和孜然 翻炒至孜然香气四溢 西红柿美味柔软

6.Then I got tomato juice, which doubles for blood, and I got low sodium tomato juice which doubles for blood but is better for you.

还带了番茄酱 制造鲜血效果 还有瓶低钠番茄酱 同样制造鲜血效果 不过更健康

7.And we were almost on a roll, but then you came in to get a crate of tomatoes, and all he could talk about was how ripe the tomatoes need to be to make the perfect splat when he throws them off a building.

而且我们几乎顺利 但你进来 来拿一箱西红柿 接着他就一直念叨着 番茄需要熟到怎样的程度 从楼顶上被扔下来砸烂时 才会形成完美的图案

8.That’s why we put the tomatoes on there.


9.And you grow your own tomatoes in the windows.


10.It’s a crostini with burrata and tomato.

