
n. 英语
a. 英文的, 英国人的

n. an Indo-European language belonging to the West Germanic branch; the official language of Britain and the United States and most of the commonwealth countries
n. the people of England
n. the discipline that studies the English language and literature


1.English ing bulldogs, it’s all the same.

英国斗牛犬 本质上都一样

2.English is not the language of this court.


3.She was 11, and she had never spoken English before.

当时她11岁 之前从没说过英语

4.English doesn’t have a genderneutral singular pronoun.


5.She’s descended from the hawthornes in salem and the Englishes too.

她是塞勒姆镇霍森家族的后代 也有英国的血统

6.Me and my tutor/teacher work mostly in English.


7.Plainer English he was already dead when it happened.

更直白点 胶水滴进他眼睛时他已经死了

8.Little bit of English on it, but it was mine all mine.

虽说有点小 可它是我的 完全属于我

9.Turns out he just wants to practice his English.


10.Don’t you think it’s unusual that these aliens mostly communicate in English.

这些外星人大多 用英语交流 你不觉得奇怪吗
