
n. 椭圆形
a. 卵形的, 椭圆形的

n a closed plane curve resulting from the intersection of a circular cone and a plane cutting completely through it
s rounded like an egg


1.the oval, and I’ll have you arrested.

多走一步 我就下令逮捕你

2.He promised he would be in the oval.

他答应我 自己会在椭圆办公室的

3.Because of what just happened in the oval.


4.I I want to say his eyes were more oval.


5.And I remember you, one lunchtime out on the oval.

我记得你 有次午餐时间你在运动场上

6.At least tell me which way the oval is leaning.


7.The oval office could spin this as a humanitarian intervention.

白宫可以把这 说 道主义干涉

8.He’s in the office down the hall the big oval one.

他就在走廊那头办公室里 椭圆形大办公室

9.Olivia sent you to get me to fight for the oval.


10.I appreciate the big show, the invitation to the oval office.

我喜欢那一场秀 邀请我来总统办公室
