
n. 拥抱
vt. 拥抱, 互相拥抱, 包含, 收买
vi. 拥抱

n. the act of clasping another person in the arms (as in greeting or affection)
n. the state of taking in or encircling
n. a close affectionate and protective acceptance
v. include in scope; include as part of something broader; have as one’s sphere or territory


1.All you have to do is embrace all that you are.

你要做的 就是接受原本的自己

2.But your daughter won’t embrace who you really are unless you embrace yourself first.

但你如果希望你女儿接受你 你就得先接受自己

3.I just needed to embrace it embrace my life here, my…purpose to help my people.

我只需要接受它 接受我在这里的生活 我的使命 帮助我的族人

4.Maybe if you embrace some of their ideas, they’ll embrace yours, giving birth to a wonderful new friendship.

没准你们会接受彼此的观点 培养出一段美好的友情

5.If I’m going to embrace the bat, then I’m going to have to embrace hiding the part of myself from the outside world.

如果我要做个蝙蝠 我就要欣然接受 把部分自己藏起来

6.新闻工作者 超人类主义者 when you support embracing death, what you’re really doing is not supporting embracing life.

佐尔坦 伊斯特万 支持拥护死亡 你真正做的就是不支持享受生命

7.But I had no selfesteem, so instead I embraced violence, like a drop of dew embraces a blade of grass.

但是以前我没有自尊 因此我就像一滴露水 拥抱一片草叶一样 转而拥抱暴力

8.It was her fate, and she embraced it.

这是她的命运 她也接受了

9.I saw you embrace her, this woman of yours.

看到了你拥抱她 你的这位女人

10.And instead of embracing her, you have shunned her.

你們不但沒有對她敞開懷抱 反而都躲著她
