
n. 调节器, 土壤团粒结构促进剂
[计] 调节器, 整形器

n. exercise that conditions the body
n. a trainer of athletes
n. a substance used in washing (clothing or hair) to make things softer


1.That’s bad for everyone who owns an air conditioner.


2.Back there, there was this loud bang on my air conditioner.

就是这里 空调有很响的撞击声

3.Good. I was standing in front of the air conditioner.

很好 我刚才站在空调前了

4.You open your mouth, and all I hear is an air conditioner.

你张嘴后 我只能听见空调声

5.The conditioners will make you remember who you’re supposed to be.

条件训练员会让你记起 你的身份

6.In a zone that includes the apartment that air conditioner fell from.

在一个有公寓的的区域 一个有空调从上面落了下来

7.You always ell fantastic, like leather and conditioner.

你闻起来总是棒极了 像健康皮肤和护发素的味道

8.Must be another way to get an air conditioner.


9.Well, there’s that $200 we’ve been saving for the new air conditioner.

我们为买新空调 节省了200美金

10.Zingiber zerumet it’s great for hair masks and conditioners.

红球姜 用来做发膜和护发素是极好的
