
a. 永久的, 不变的, 固定的, 持久的
n. 烫发
[计] 永久的

a. continuing or enduring without marked change in status or condition or place
s. not capable of being reversed or returned to the original condition


1.I’m afraid of things pretending to be permanent because nothing is permanent.

我害怕任何假装 永恒的事 因为没什么是永恒的

2.You’re permanently tired, you know, you’re permanently crabby with people.

会一直感觉疲倦 你对人总是很暴躁

3.But there could be some permanent damage.


4.Not with this on your permanent record, you won’t.

如果你的永久记录上有这事 你就没法竞选了

5.When you work for me, it’s permanent.

你为我工作 就得永远干下去

6.If we don’t stop them before then, it’s permanent.

如果我们不能在那之前阻止他们 那就是永久的了

7.Once we do this, we could be permanently erased.

一旦我们动手了 就可能被永久地抹去

8.I need to know if that’s permanent or not.


9.No. It’s not permanent, he’s got a house of his own.

不 他不会永远住这里 他有自己的房子

10.We both knew this arrangement wasn’t permanent.

