n. 弓箭手, 射箭运动员
n. a person who is expert in the use of a bow and arrow
1.I’m a master archer who’s out of arrows.
2.That archer matched me, shot for shot.
那个弓箭手和我势均力敌 箭箭相逼
3.When the archer fires a whistler, we di and.
当弓箭手射出箭矢时 我们就散开
4.Your archers, my lord, are of superior faculty.
大人 你的弓手本领高超
5.archer was fearless, but he couldn’t read people.
阿彻无所畏惧 但不懂得识人脸色
6.As my archers would indicate, I don’t appreciate being summoned by a traitor.
我的弓箭手可以告诉你 我不喜欢 被叛徒呼来唤去
7.I got a list of archers 20long, man.
8.And at a distance that keeps the army safe from archers.
9.archer’s my patient, and I’m not even allowed to see him.
阿奇是我的病人 我却不能见他
10.archer is now on lockdown, effective immediately.
亚彻中学现在开始执行封锁 立即生效