
n. 滑雪板

n. a board that resembles a broad ski or a small surfboard; used in a standing position to slide down snow-covered slopes
v. glide down a snow-covered slope while standing on a board


1.I had a chance to check out some of your snowboarding videos.


2.I get the brilliant idea to try snowboarding.

我有了个好主意 去滑板滑雪

3.Blackcomb’s supposed to be the sickest snowboarding on earth.


4.Get another job, or snowboarding turns into noboarding.

再找份工作 不然滑雪时就得无处安身了

5.Ellie and some friends are going snowboarding for the first time.

埃莉和朋友要第一次 去玩滑雪板了

6.He told me he flew off a cliff on a snowboard and snapped his vertebrae.

他告诉我 他踩着滑雪板掉下了悬崖 摔断了椎骨

7.Roller coasters, snowboarding, dating men who bathe with their dogs.

过山车 单板滑雪 跟和自家狗狗一起洗澡的男人约会

8.By the way, I need your credit card to rent a snowboard for my trip this weekend.

对了 我得用你的信用卡 周末旅行要租滑雪板

9.I’m a guy who rode a snowboard off a cliff and this feels like the stupidest thing I ever did.

我曾经乘着滑雪板滑下悬崖 而这感觉是我做过的最蠢的事

10.Then I became a pro snowboarder, married a supermodel, went into tech, made a fortune, bought the factories where the kids who teased me’s parents worked and shut the factories down.

然后我成為了一名滑雪運動員 娶了超模 進軍科技領域 賺了一大筆 買下了那些 嘲笑我的人他們的父母工作的工廠 然后關停了工廠
