
n. 斑马

n. any of several fleet black-and-white striped African equines


1.Probably occurred when the zebra thief tried to unload 1,500 pounds worth of zebra without any kind of ramp.

可能是偷马贼没用活动滑梯 将一千五百磅的斑马运上车时 不小心弄断的

2.As for the zebra, there is no escape.

对于斑马 是没办法逃跑的

3.But then you didn’t share your zebra.


4.In the quagga’s case, that’s a zebra.

对于斑驴来说 近亲就是斑马

5.but unless I’m mistaken, that’s not a zebra.

除非我搞错了 但这不是匹斑马

6.And there’s a lot of zebras in this diagnosis.


7.No, no, no, kid, we’re fresh out of zebra.

不不不 我们没有斑马了

8.They were just all congratulating me on the zebra.


9.This is not a zebra. It’s a plain old horse.

他不是斑马 他只是一匹普通老马

10.It was textbook pneumonia. I was seeing zebras.

这是典型的肺炎 我看到斑马线了
