
n. 锤头, 笨人

n. the striking part of a hammer
n. medium-sized live-bearing shark with eyes at either end of a flattened hammer-shaped head; worldwide in warm waters; can be dangerous


1.Three times the size of a spinner, a hammerhead is easy to spot from above.

体型是真鲨的三倍 俯视的话很容易找出锤头鲨

2.Male hammerhead flies use their heads as battering rams.


3.Yes, it’s interesting, because hammerhead shark aren’t usually aggressive towards humans.

没错 这很有趣 因为双髻鲨不太会攻击人类

4.Well if it’s a hammerhead, you just tickle it between the sideways eyes and you have a companion for life.

如果是锤头鲨 只要在它双眼间 挠挠就可以 它就成了你的人生伴侣

5.Rozo did the anonymous hammerhead from the top down and came back with a 12bullet shorttermer.

朗佐从上到下匿名动手了 然后找了个厉害的短期合同工
