
a. 有盐分的, 咸味浓的, 海洋的, 辛辣的, 有经验的

a. containing or filled with salt
s. one of the four basic taste sensations; like the taste of sea water


1.No, no, it was salty, I was nauseous.

不 并不想 海水太咸了 我晕船

2.What a relief it’s not hard and salty.

没有又咸又硬 还真是松了口气

3.It’s the crunch with the salty and the chocolate.

这么脆 还有咸味还有巧克力

4.It’s spicy, it’s salty and it’s sour.

它有点辣 有点咸 还有点酸

5.It’s very salty, which is consistent with cystic fibrosis.

非常咸 符合囊胞性纤维化的症状

6.Tears are salty, so… maybe it’s on the beach.

眼泪是咸的 所以 或许是在海滩上

7.real salty broad and leave it at that.

是个 的女人 就不多说了

8.It was a little salty but I ate it because she was in a mood.

有点过咸 但她心情不好 我就默默吃了

9.And they only had the salty peanuts and not the pretzels I like.

他们只有咸味花生 没有我喜欢的椒盐卷饼

10.Yes, It’s got some oky, salty notes.

是的 它有点烟熏 咸咸的风味
