
n. 记忆, 记忆力, 回忆, 纪念, 存储
n. 内存
[计] 存储器, 内存, 查看内存实用程序

n. something that is remembered
n. the cognitive processes whereby past experience is remembered
n. the power of retaining and recalling past experience
n. an electronic memory device


1.No, you have her memories, or you have my memories of her.

不 你只不过拥有着她的记忆 或是拥有我对她的记忆

2.Memories get fuzzy, becoming memories of memories even after a day.

记忆会逐渐模糊 只要过一天 记忆就会不清晰

3.You may not have memory, but you have sense memory.

你也许什么都想不起来了 但还有感官记忆

4.Memories of my dad, memories of my grandfather.

我和我爸的回忆 我和我爷爷的回忆

5.There’s only memories that mean something and memories that don’t.

只不过是有 有意义的记忆 和没意义的记忆之分罢了

6.One’s procedural memories remain intact, but everything else, episodic memories, autobiographical memories, vanish.

程序记忆还存在 但是其他的 比如说情节记忆 自传记忆 都会消失

7.Well, they are memories, but they’re memories of simulated events.

這些的確是記憶 但是是模擬事件的記憶

8.memories are coming back, and they are not good memories.

记忆都涌了回来 都不是愉快的回忆

9.the feeling of having a memory, just not the actual memory.

感觉我有记忆 但什么都记不起

10.You shouldn’t have any memory of that at all.

