
n. 欺凌弱小者, 土霸
vt. 威胁, 恐吓, 欺负
vi. 欺负
a. 特好的, 第一流的
adv. 十分

n. a cruel and brutal fellow
n. a hired thug


1.You’re a bully, and I won’t be bullied.

你是个恶霸 我不会被你霸凌的

2.He is a bully, and I will not be bullied.

他是个恶霸 我不要受这种欺负

3.Because you bully them the way you’re trying to bully me.

因为你恐吓他们 就像你现在来恐吓我

4.We, uh we had an assembly, and the principal talked about bullying and how bullying was wrong, and if we saw somebody getting bullied, we should say something or stop it, and I raised my hand, and I asked what you’re supposed to do if the bully is, like, a lot bigger than you are or has a knife or something.

我们开了会 校长谈到了欺凌 以及欺凌是不对的 如果我们看到某人被欺凌 我们应该出言或制止 然后我举起手 问到 万一恶霸比你壮得多 或拿着刀 你该怎么办

5.Then you bully your family the way you bully your officers.


6.The bully in high school, and he’s a bully now.

中学的恶霸 现在还是个恶霸

7.I was a bully, and now I’m raising an army of bullies.

我曾经就是恶霸 现在我养出了一军队恶霸

8.bullying bullies is kind of the very definition of a hero complex.

欺凌欺凌者正是 英雄情結的主要表現

9.I think you’re trying to bully me, and a bully’s devastated when you stand up to him.

我认为你试图欺辱我 而恶霸会在你挺身反抗他时疯狂

10.Dan’s a bully. If you don’t stand up to bullies, they just keep coming at you.

丹是个恶霸 假如你不反抗恶霸 他们就会一直来找你麻烦
