
n. 偶然发现珍宝的运气/才能, 易遇奇缘的运气

n. good luck in making unexpected and fortunate discoveries


1.But I was only referring to the serendipity of the coincidence.


2.That’s the spirit. It’s luck and serendipity.

那是一種精神 是幸運和機緣巧合

3.serendipity, a chance to reconnect with my daughter.

机遇 能和我的女儿重新培养关系的机会

4.You see, my life is full of stories like that, just chockfull of serendipity.

我这辈子都是这种故事 充满了意外

5.serendipity view shows a dislocated clavicle that’s compressing his airway and major vessels to the heart.

前后位X片显示 锁骨错位 压迫了他的气管和通往心脏的主要血管
