
a. 男子似的, 成人似的

s. resembling or imitative of or suggestive of a man rather than a woman
s. characteristic of a man as distinguished from a woman


1.They can be a little mannish, but they still have to have all the stuff.

她们的性格可以中性一点 但是该有的都得有

2.A casting director once told me that my hands were mannish and gave me an absolute complex about it.

有个选角导演有次跟我说 我的手太男性化 从此我就对此心怀芥蒂

3.Until I realised the pay’s terrible and the physical stuff would probably make my body look quite mannish.

直到我意识到 薪水很低 而且消防员那些东东 可能会令我像个男人婆

4.Like, not in a mean way, but if I’m being honest, she kind of looks a bit mannish, so it’s almost more gay for her to be straight.

不是我嘴巴恶毒 但如果非要说实话 她的长相本来就很男性化 所以她成为直女 实际上更加像同性恋
