
n. 魔鬼
vt. 折磨, 戏弄

n. an evil supernatural being
n. a word used in exclamations of confusion
v. coat or stuff with a spicy paste


1.I’m the devil, and I’m here to do the devil’s business.

我是恶魔 我来此是完成恶魔的使命

2.And the devil they fear is not the devil I know.


3.I’m the devil, and I’ve come to do the devil’s business.

我是魔鬼 我來完成魔鬼的事業

4.If you say she’s the devil, then all right, she’s the devil.

如果你说她很 那好吧 她很

5.You’ll come to find that I am the devil. I’m the devil.

你会慢慢发现我是个魔鬼 我才是魔鬼

6.I’m not the devil, I just work for the devil.

我不是恶魔 我只是为恶魔工作

7.Speak of the devil and the devil’s wave function shall collapse.

说曹操曹操到 而且曹操的波动函数出问题了

8.The thing about playing devil’s advocate, my dear, is that your client is the devil himself.

要是做了魔鬼的代言人 亲爱的 你可就是要给魔鬼卖命了

9.The man behind that door he might be the devil to you he is for sure not the devil.

那扇门后面的那个人 他可能是折磨你的魔鬼 但他肯定不是魔鬼

10.The spirit I have seen may be the devil, and the devil hath power to assume a pleasing shape.

我所见之鬼魂可能是魔鬼 而魔鬼可用妖术扮良善
