
interj. 哎哟

n a loud hooting cry of exultation or excitement
v shout, as if with joy or enthusiasm
v cough spasmodically


1.And up in the sky, helicopters start going whoop, whoop, overhead and you know… you know.

天空中有直升机在头顶上轰鸣 这下你终于明白了 彻底明白了

2.If I hadn’t, he’da whooped me worse.

如果我不照做 他把我揍得更凶

3.You came back and whooped him, baby.

你复仇了 把他打得落花流水[1978年] 宝贝

4.Especially when you’re used to being the whoop ass.


5.I’mma whoop your ass up and down the block.


6.If that was your daddy, you’d want me to whoop his ass too.

如果那是你爹 你也不会手软的

7.Careful, I’m about to open up a can of whoop ass.

朋友快闪 同志退开 我要大开杀戒啦

8.whoops, sorry, don’t worry, I wasn’t listening, in a world of my own down there.

抱歉 別擔心 我沒在聽 一直沉浸在自己的世界里呢

9.whoops… should’ve told you to watch your step.

糟糕 我该提醒你让你小心的

10.Some guy stole my bag. I had to whoop his ass.

有人偷我的包 我得揍他一顿
