
a. 苦的, 痛苦的, 怀恨的
adv. 刺骨
v. (使)变苦

n. English term for a dry sharp-tasting ale with strong flavor of hops (usually on draft)
n. the taste experience when quinine or coffee is taken into the mouth
v. make bitter
s. very difficult to accept or bear


1.Why the bugs don’t like it and why it’s called jackass bitters is it’s bitter as hell.

因为它苦得要命 所以虫子不喜欢 它也因此被叫做”苦死驴”

2.The purer the cocoa, the more bitter it is.

可可粉纯度越高 味道越苦

3.The meat is bitter about being dead.

这肉因为死亡 而深感痛苦[口感发苦]

4.And don’t skimp on the aromatic bitters.

别偷工减料 别少放芳草苦啤啊

5.They’re lost and bitter, and I can’t help them.

他们迷失 愤恨 而我爱莫能助

6.We may be bitter and cynical about it.

关于这点 我们嘴上也许尖酸刻薄

7.I just sank further and further into my own bitterness.


8.I’m sorry. It’s bitter out there tonight.

不好意思 今晚外面太冷了

9.If you were bitter, the institution had won.

如果你感觉悲苦 那就是机构赢了

10.I guess he’s bitter about not being promoted.

