
n. 小鸭的一种;胖子(口语)

n a rotund individual
n small North American diving duck; males have bushy head plumage


1.You’ve been hawking calometric diet pills to the local butterballs.

你还在向这里的胖子们 推销卡路里燃烧弹

2.And if all goes oothly, by 9:00 a.m., we’ll be elbow deep in a 20pound butterball.

如果一切顺利 到早上9点 我们就会忙活20磅的黄油球了

3.First comes some amazing new hair, then, incredibly sexy rehearsal clothes, which she could never pull off, and then I’m gonna sneak into the theatre and tack up yearbook photos of her from sophomore year, when she was a chunky little butterball, just to remind her hey, once a fatty, always a fatty.

首先来点儿惊艳的新发型 然后是她永远穿不出感觉的 超级性感的排练服 然后我会溜进剧院 把她高一时候的年鉴照片钉在墙上 她那时候是个笨拙的小胖子 主要为了提醒她 一朝肥 永生肥
