
n. 文森特(男名)


1.Vincent, I’m not a medic. I can’t do this.

文森特 我不是医生 我做不了

2.Vincent, I’m sorry. I don’t know what to do.

文森特 对不起 我不知道该怎么办

3.Vincent, there is an outbreak going on.

文森特 现在发生了大事

4.Vincent knows what he’s doing, believe me.

文森特心里有数 相信我

5.Vincent, I’m trying to have a conversation with you.

文森特 我正要跟你谈呢

6.Vincent should have never gotten you into this.


7.Vincent, we are doing the best that we can.

文森特 我们已经尽力了

8.Vincent. I do the majority of the cooking.

文森特 做饭主要都是我来啊

9.Vincent didn’t turn himself in on a whim.


10.Vincent, you can’t give them that gun.

文森特 你不能把枪给他们
