
n. 竞争, 竞赛
[经] 竞争, 竞销, 比赛

n. a business relation in which two parties compete to gain customers
n. the act of competing as for profit or a prize


1.It’s not a competition. I know it’s not a competition, course it isn’t.

这不是在比赛 我知道这不是比赛 当然不是

2.but more competitive like sisters are competitive.


3.I’m very realistic, so I think when I’m competitive, I know that I’m competitive.

我很现实 有竞争力时我会放手一搏

4.And that’s what this competition is all about.


5.The competition might underestimate us because we are all and sweet but we are here to win this competition.

大家可能会低估我们 因为我们年纪小 又可爱 但我们是来赢得冠军的

6.It is such an important instinct for a driver that to know where to be, to know not who is competitive this season, but who’s gonna be competitive next season.

对车手来说 知道自己属于哪里 是个相当重要的直觉 这个赛季谁比较强不重要 重要的是下赛季 谁更具竞争力

7.I won a competition, and the prize of the competition was to sing on the stage with an orchestra with a conductor with, uh, the entire performance.

我赢了一个比赛 奖品就是上台演唱 和乐队和指挥一起 完成整个表演

8.Now, I know you two are in competition, and competition is always a healthy thing, but I want you to work on this pro bono case together.

我知道你们俩是竞争对手 而竞争永远都是一件好事 但我希望你们能够合作处理这个公益案件

9.competition across time, going one better than the ancients, but competition across borders, too, even when those borders divided warring cultures.

不仅是纵向时间上 和古代的竞争 也是横向国家之间的竞争 甚至是那些文化互不相容的国家

10.You’ve been doing your homework on the competition.

为了这次角逐 你做了很多功课啊
