
n. 繁荣, 隆隆声
vi. 急速发展, 发隆隆声
vt. 使兴旺, 发隆隆声

n. a deep prolonged loud noise
n. a state of economic prosperity
n. a sudden happening that brings good fortune (as a sudden opportunity to make money)
n. a pole carrying an overhead microphone projected over a film or tv set


1.You shoot me, my thumb loosens, and then boom, boom, boom, boom.

你杀了我 我的拇指松开 然后 砰 砰 砰 砰

2.We go in with laser focus, boom, boom, boom.

我们会带着精准目标进去 干净利索

3.boom, boom, boom, and nobody would ever even know.

嘭 嘭 嘭 没人会知道

4.She fell between them like the top one and boom, boom.

她感觉从天上降到他们中间 好像第一名然后 彭彭

5.That watch must have been an original, but other stuff in there, boom, boom.

那块表肯定是没改装过的 但里面的其他东西 砰砰哦

6.Like that was my lil’ nigga, like we was like, boom, boom.

像是我的小黑仔我们像 砰哥两好

7.Most people would call it a cherry picker, but the industry term would be a boom lift or a boom truck.

大多数人会称之为车载升降台 但它的工业术语是吊杆装卸机或者吊杆起重机

8.And then we turn on the ambo’s lights, we blare the horn a couple times, boom, boom, thank you for coming, and we’re out of there.

然后我们把救护车的灯打开 鸣几次笛 谢谢你们的到来 然后就结束了

9.It was the first time that we, you know, since the operation, and then there was this boom, like… like a… like a sonic boom, and a big flash, like a pink light.

在手术后 那是我们的第一次 当时有声爆炸声 像 像 像音爆一样 然后一道大闪电 像一道粉红色的闪电

10.So, when the dotcom boom happened, it was also boom times for advertising agencies because all of those brands all of a sudden really needed agency partners to help ’em develop their campaign.

当网络繁荣之时 也是广告公司繁荣之时 因为突然之间 所有的品牌 都迫切需要代理合作伙伴帮助他们推广活动
