
n. 交叉火力, 串报, 串扰电流
[电] 交火

n. a lively or heated interchange of ideas and opinions
n. fire from two or more points so that the lines of fire cross


1.Because of you both I’m caught in the crossfire.

你们城门失火 殃及了我这条池鱼

2.Oh, no, he was caught in the crossfire.

不是 他是在交火中被误杀的

3.See, I got you in the crossfire there.

看 你这可是腹背受敌啊

4.I don’t want you all caught in the crossfire because of me.


5.They were executed, not caught in the crossfire.

她们是被处决了 不是被交火杀死

6.I was caught in the crossfire of a driveby shooting.

在一次飞车枪击中 我被误伤了

7.My toe was caught in the crossfire. It was obliterated.

我的脚趾在交火时受伤了 彻底废了

8.We can’t have crossfire, so no moving once the shooting starts.

我们要避免交叉火力 所以开火后就别动

9.That girl wasn’t killed in the crossfire, phil.

那个女孩不是在交火中被误伤的 菲尔

10.We rush in there, she can get hit in the crossfire.

我们要是冲进去 她会在交火中受伤
