
n. 缓冲器, 满杯
a. 大胜利的

n. a glass filled to the brim (especially as a toast)
n. a mechanical device consisting of bars at either end of a vehicle to absorb shock and prevent serious damage


1.Forget about the bumpers, forget about all of this.

别惦记防护栏了 把这些都放脑后

2.But that’s why I’m riding in your bumper car.

那 吗跟你坐这辆破车跑这来

3.In fairness, I only took the bumper off.

老实说 我只把保险杠撞掉了而已

4.What does that mean? I read it on a bumper sticker.

什么意思 我在汽车贴纸上看到的

5.But that’s only half of the bumper sticker, man.

但那只是半个标语 伙计

6.He slipped and hit his neck on the bumper.

滑倒了 脖子撞上了保险杠

7.Put your hands on the bumper there, both hands.

把你的手放在保险杠这里 双手

8.His bumper somehow fell off on the 405.


9.They mount on the front of a truck bumper.


10.And we’ve got the bumper family pack.

