
n. 脂肪, 脂油, 肥肉
a. 肥的, 胖的, 油腻的
n. 文件分配表
[计] 文件分配表

n. a soft greasy substance occurring in organic tissue and consisting of a mixture of lipids (mostly triglycerides)
a. having an (over)abundance of flesh
s. having a relatively large diameter
s. lucrative


1.It’s something about being fat and then not being fat.


2.I’m… I don’t know. I’m a fat, fat fatty.

我…怎么说呢 我有些胖

3.you always decide that you’re fat. I am fat.

总是觉得自己胖 我确实胖

4.Yeah, and also you’re fat. I’m not fat.

对 而且你很胖 我不胖

5.That’s my face. I was a‐fat, but now, I’m a‐not fat.

我就长那样 我之前是个肥子 但现在已经瘦了

6.This is a fat from cow, and it’s a fat that comes from around the inner organs, so it is very high in saturated fats, so it’s the kind of food that, really, you and I should avoid today.

这是牛油 是一种 从牛的内脏周围取下的脂肪 所以里面有大量饱和脂肪酸 所以这其实是一种我们在现代应该少吃的东西

7.The problem is, this would involve using animal fats, very expensive fats, like cocoa butter, and also fats that have a very low yield as well.

问题在于这样需要使用动物脂肪 包括可可油在内的非常昂贵的油脂 以及一些产出率极低的油

8.So there’s no fat on this loin, so I just want to make sure these already have alpaca fat rendered down, almost like we’d do traditional goose fat.

腰肉没有脂肪 我想确定这些 已经有羊驼油脂了 就像传统的鹅脂一样

9.He means fat. I mean you look fat.

他是说你发福了 就是说你胖了

10.Yeah, his fat face. In his fat face.

对 他那张肥脸上 扔他一脸
