
n. 肖恩(男子名)

n. A seine. See Seine.


1.sean, I thought about you when I was in the bathroom.

肖恩 我上厕所时还想起了你

2.sean, all I’m saying, it’s a domestic.

肖恩 我只是说 这是宗家暴案

3.sean brought that something back with him.


4.sean, I can’t I can’t talk right now.

肖恩 我现在没空跟你说话

5.sean, whatever it is you’re seeing, it’s not real.

肖恩 不管你看到了什么 都不是真的

6.sean… she’s making herself look like me.

肖恩 她只是把自己变成了我的模样

7.sean, I cannot have my father marrying your mother.

肖恩 我不能让我父亲娶你母亲

8.sean’s been telling me how important your music is to you.

肖恩告诉过我 音乐对你有多么重要

9.sean and I moved in with each other a few weeks ago.


10.sean, I’m very disappointed you led me on this way.

肖恩 我很失望你让我陷入这样的境地
