
pron. 我们
[经] 美国

n North American republic containing 50 states – 48 conterminous states in North America plus Alaska in northwest North America and the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean; achieved independence in 1776
n a base containing nitrogen that is found in RNA (but not in DNA) and derived from pyrimidine; pairs with adenine
n a heavy toxic silvery-white radioactive metallic element; occurs in many isotopes; used for nuclear fuels and nuclear weapons
n the 21st letter of the Roman alphabet


1.So if you’re with us, then be with us.

所以如果你跟我们一条心 就和我们一起

2.It has to be about any of us, all of us.

要为了我们每个人 所有人

3.You’ve been profiling us, targeting us, following us, shooting us, killing us.

你一直在把我们归为危险分子 把我们当做目标 跟踪我们 向我们开枪 射杀我们

4.If you choose sides against us, if you divide us, if you defy us, then you are not us.

如果你选择抵抗我们 如果你试图 挑衅我们 那么你就不是我们的一份子

5.They police us and spy on us, tell us that makes us safer.

他们管制我们 监视我们 告诉我们这会让我们更安全

6.She’s here to trick us or trap us or hack us or distract us or sabotage us in some other way I haven’t thought of yet.

她来这可能是要耍我们 害我们 搞我们 让我们分心 或者阻碍我们的 用某种我暂时还想不到的方法

7.It could inspire us, improve us and delight us.

它能给予我们灵感 让我们进步 带给我们快乐

8.But she can’t have, she spoke to us, she helped us, she saved us.

不可能 她对我们说话 帮助我们 还救了我们

9.Guys, he beat us, and he’s arter than us, all of us.

伙计们 他打败了我们 他比我们所有人都聪明

10.Talk to us, question us, but work with us.

和我们说话 问我们问题 和我们一起工作
