
n. 装蜜的罐子; 极有吸引力的事物

n. South African shrub whose flowers when open are cup-shaped resembling artichokes


1.That server needs to remain a honeypot.


2.And that’s when we discovered that he turned your infected server into a honeypot.

我们进而发现 他把你的受感染服务器变成了蜜罐

3.Until 16 seconds ago, you were not aware there was a honeypot.

16秒前 你才意识到蜜罐的存在

4.Both masters of disguises, not to mention total honeypots.

都是伪装大师 而且还魅力非凡

5.You know you could have told us about the honeypot weeks ago.


6.In 43 hours, exactly, our server will no longer be a honeypot.

整整43小时后 我们的服务器就不再是蜜罐了

7.Listen, we just sit back, wait, let the honeypot do its thing.

听我的 坐下来 慢慢等 让诱饵发挥它的作用

8.Yeah, they set up one of those fake honeypot thingies within our system.

