
n. 楼阁, 亭子, 大帐篷, 观众席
vt. 置…于亭中, 搭帐篷, 笼罩

n. large and often sumptuous tent


1.That’s what you said about the butterfly pavilion at the zoo.


2.Every detail of the wings and pavilions is proportionate to this cube.

侧面和附属建筑的每个细节 都与这一立方体结构比例相配

3.I wondered if your hu and would be so good as to speak with me in my pavilion before I leave.

不知你丈夫可不可以在我走之前 去我帐篷里跟我说几句话

4.Leaders from 50 countries will be here this week, staying in those pavilions.

这周内 50个国家的领导人会到来 他们会住在这些帐篷里

5.But if we put the pavilion near the river, we can just laze and watch, and then just fall off it, naked, into the cool water.

但如果我们把凉亭建在河边 我们就可以悠闲地看风景 然后光着身子从上面跳进冷水里
