
abbr. 应急措施组织(Emergency Measures Organization);爱立信移动办公邮件系统(Ericsson Mobile Office)


1.Bri’s just an emo girl in floppy hats.


2.Damon’s humanity is on, which means that he’s all emo and afraid of owning up to what he did when it was off.

达蒙的人性开启了 所以他现在情绪激动 不敢面对人性关闭时 他做的一切

3.Took you emo navelgazers long enough to work through your bullshit.

你们这些多愁善感的小心眼卢瑟们 终于把那点屁事想通了

4.Junior year, she picks up some emo girl from home room and suddenly, we don’t exist.

高三时 她在年纪教室认识了一个非主流女孩 突然就不理我们了

5.Like you just happened to succumb to your urges in this tiny, shitty room with your emo music playing.

你就刚好在放着你情绪摇滚的小破屋里 向自己的 屈服了

6.Okay, I’m offended by that because I became a doctor for one reason and one reason only my highschool emo band didn’t get a record deal.

这话有点冒犯我了 我当医生只有一个原因 唯一的原因 就是我高中的情绪摇滚乐队没有得到唱片合约
