
n. 最后期限, 截止期限
[经] 截止日期

n. the point in time at which something must be completed


1.Join me. I can’t. I have a deadline.

一起吃吧 不行 我有稿要赶

2.Well, that’s the thing about deadlines we have to be.

就像设定了最后期限一样 必须来得及

3.I’m given a deadline so there’s no getting out of it.

给自己设一个时限 绝不能分心

4.The deadline for juilliard is this week.


5.You missed the deadline, but I’ll consider it.

申请期限已过 但我会考虑的

6.If somebody blows a deadline, that’s on you.

有人超了截止日期 怪你

7.Thing is now I’m up against a deadline.

问题是 最后期限马上到了

8.You’re wasting my time. I’m on deadline.

你们在浪费时间 而我时间有限

9.This is the music industry, and we’re on a deadline.

音乐产业就这样 我们要赶在最后期限前完成

10.You may have chutzpah, but you don’t have a deadline.

你也许是胆大妄为 但是你又没有截止日期
