
interj. 啊, 唉, 哎呀, 哦
n. 零
[计] 操作, 运算, 输出

n. the 15th letter of the Roman alphabet
n. the blood group whose red cells carry neither the A nor B antigens


1.We dOn’t have tO let the pOrt‐O‐pOtties ruin Our pOrt‐O‐party.


2.FOr sOme x’s and O’s On a virtual highway.


3.O, ’tis a fault tOO, tOO unpardOnable.

这样的罪过是太难 太难被宽恕了

4.YOu can’t have that, zOO has gOt twO O’s.

你不能这么拼 zoo有两个o

5.It’s O yOu’re gOnna have tO time it and jump thrOugh it.

这是 你得计时 然后跳过去

6.O prOblem. I think I’ll be needing it again anyways.

没关系啊 反正它很快就会再派上用场了

7.O gauge trains are definitely the best.


8.When I gave him my d.O.r.,he wOuldn’t take it.

当我递出辞呈 他不肯接受

9.They tOOk their time that type Of m.O.

他们不慌不忙 这样的作案方式
