
n. 标志, 旗标, 旗子, 信号旗, 菖蒲
vt. 悬旗, 打旗号, 铺石板
vi. 无力地下垂
[计] 标志; 属性标记命令

n. emblem usually consisting of a rectangular piece of cloth of distinctive design
n. a rectangular piece of fabric used as a signalling device
n. stratified stone that splits into pieces suitable as paving stones
n. a conspicuously marked or shaped tail


1.Mind you, when we say behind the flags we don’t literally mean these flags.

提醒大家 我们说旗帜”背后” 不是指这两面旗帜的背后

2.Betsy always said that the flag was her greatest achievement, but the flag is not important.

贝琪总说星条旗是她最伟大的成就 但是重要的不是星条旗

3.When you look at someone through rosecolored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags.

通过玫瑰色眼镜看人时 红旗看上去还是旗

4.Since we’re live, you’ll finally be able to reach out to us with your flag thoughts and flag questions.

鉴于我们是在直播 你们终于可以即时联系到我们 提出你们的旗思旗问

5.Factions need a flag to rally behind, and every young prince with a claim to the throne is another flag.

各派都需要领路旗 而每位拥有继承权的小王子 都是潜在的旗帜

6.All followed him, many with flags, banners or portraits taped onto sides of cars, trucks or every kind of vehicle you could imange, on this high speed road into the city, passed houses and windows filled with people, apartment with flags, banners overbridges crowded with people, all came to salute him.

全都跟着他 挂着旗帜 拉着横幅 在各种你想的到的车的门上 贴着海报 在去市里的高速公路上 沿路的房子窗口挤满了人 挂着旗子横幅的公寓 天桥上也站满了人 大家都来向他致敬

7.I just don’t understand what I could have been flagged for.


8.Have him flag all their credit cards.


9.Your objective is to capture that flag.


10.But they persevered, and the flag was raised.

但他们坚持不懈 竖起了旗帜
