
vi. 失败, 缺乏, 中断, 衰退, 失灵
vt. 忘记, 使…失望, 缺乏, 不及格
n. 不及格

v. fail to do something; leave something undone
v. be unsuccessful
v. disappoint, prove undependable to; abandon, forsake
v. stop operating or functioning


1.What I’ve got is fail, fail, and more fail.

我只找到了失败 失败 无尽的失败

2.When this fails. If this fails, it’s on me.

失败的时候 如果失败了 由我承担

3.Jones failed him, the system failed him, and now I failed him.

琼斯对不起他 法制辜负了他 现在我也让他失望了

4.Because if I, if I fail you, then I fail my wife and I fail my unborn daughter.

因为如果我让你失望了 我就是辜负了我妻子和未出生的女儿

5.My father failed with them and he failed with you.

他们没有完成我父亲的任务 你也没有完成

6.Guns only if it fails, but it won’t fail.

如果计划失败了再用枪 但我不会失败的

7.And you failed. I didn’t fail anything.

况且你也没有通过 我哪里没通过了

8.And when they do fail, so many of them fail up.

当他们失败了 大部分人还能卷土重来

9.No, I failed her, and I can’t keep failing her.

不 我辜负了她 我不能让她一再失望

10.We need to fail down here so we don’t fail up there.

这里的失败 才能让我们上去后没有失败
