
n. 评论, 注意
vt. 评论, 注意
vi. 评论, 谈论
[计] 注释

n. a statement that expresses a personal opinion or belief or adds information
n. explicit notice


1.She’s a remarkable girl. I know she’s remarkable.

她是个优秀的女孩 我知道她很优秀

2.It’s a remarkable insight into the life of a remarkable cat.


3.She started reading her remarks, and then she stopped reading her remarks and she just talked.

她开始朗读稿件 接着她不再读 直接和她们对话

4.I have no intention of using your candid remarks or even your ontherecord remarks which were meant for someone else.

如果你是说给别人听的 不管是对总统的评论还是公开评论 我都没打算报道

5.Progeria is a truly remarkable disease, and I think what is remarkable is the large number of parallels between this very extreme disease and the normal ageing process.

早衰症确实是 一种值得注意的疾病 因为这种极端情况 和正常衰老过程之间 有大量的可比较之处

6.If the patterns can be unlocked, then once this remarkable project is complete we will have the clearest understanding yet of how a child achieves the remarkable feat of learning to talk.

一旦其中的模式被解开 这项引人瞩目的项目就完成了 对于孩子何以达到学习讲话的非凡成绩 我们就有了迄今最为清晰的认识

7.It’s because you’re remarkable that we expect more of you.

正因为你很优秀 所以我们对你期望很高

8.She remarked on how accurate they were.


9.He found remarkable similarities between them all.


10.remarkably well for a kid who’s been through what he has.

出奇的好 对于一个经历了那种事的孩子来说
