
n. 薄的切片, 一部分, 菜刀
vt. 切成薄片, 切下
vi. 切
[计] 片

n. a share of something
n. a golf shot that curves to the right for a right-handed golfer
n. a thin flat piece cut off of some object
n. a spatula for spreading paint or ink


1.slice it nice and thinly, stack it back up and then just slice nice, little, thin slices in there.

切成薄片 叠起来 切出细长的姜丝

2.No, it’s probably about a quarter of a mouse brain so in order to see what’s going on, we have to slice it extremely thin, so we’re slicing these brains with a diamond knife.

不是 大概只是四分之一个 为了弄清楚原理 我们要把它切得极薄 我们要用一把金刚石刀进行切片

3.I once cheesed a slice of watermelon.


4.This is a symbol for you slicing his throat.


5.I got these slices, so they’re for me to eat.

我自己切的这些 都是我的

6.Or because you were slicing your aunt’s throat.


7.And enjoy your slice, you earned it.

享受你的馅饼吧 是你应得的

8.Any way you slice this, it’s a bloodbath.

不管怎么应对 都会是一场大

9.And we don’t get a slice unless you do.

只要您还饿着 我们绝不吃一口

10.I was about to start slicing and dicing myself.

