
vi. 保持, 逗留, 剩余
[法] 停留, 居住, 继续

v. be left; of persons, questions, problems, results, evidence, etc.


1.As for the remains, that’s why you are here.

至于这具遗体 这是我们请你来的原因

2.So I remain excited at the promise and I remain cynical at the moment.

因此我为人工智能的前景感到兴奋 在当下则对此心存疑虑

3.But the people that remain will always be damaged because those scars definitely remain.

活下来的人带着终生创伤 因为那些伤疤永不愈合

4.Yes, what’s important is that we remain calm and quiet because we want our position to remain a secret.

最重要的是 我们要保持安静平和 以免有人发现我们在这里

5.I’m using my last remaining brain cells, to try and kill my last remaining brain cells.

我正用我幸存的脑细胞 试图杀死我最后的脑细胞

6.The pill, still to this day, remains the most revolutionary advancement in contraception and as long as we screen women carefully, and help them understand the potential risks and side effects, for many women it remains a very safe and effective method.

避孕药 截止目前 仍然是避孕方面最具革命性的进步 只要我们关注女性 帮助她们了解潜在的风险和副作用 对很多女性来说这仍然是非常安全有效的方法

7.But for me, that remained a fantasy.

但对我来说 那只是个幻想而已

8.This is my life, or what remains of it.

这就是我的人生 或者说是我余下的人生

9.But other than that, they are to remain sealed.

除此之外 带子不得外泄

10.If there are no remains, it can’t have been here, it’s impossible.

如果这里没有火烧残留物 就不会是这里 这不可能
