
n. 水, 雨水, 海水, 水位, 水面, 流水
vt. 给…浇水, 供以水, 注入水, 使湿
vi. 流泪, 流口水, 加水
a. 水的, 水上的, 水生的, 含水的

n. binary compound that occurs at room temperature as a clear colorless odorless tasteless liquid; freezes into ice below 0 degrees centigrade and boils above 100 degrees centigrade; widely used as a solvent
n. once thought to be one of four elements composing the universe (Empedocles)
n. a liquid necessary for the life of most animals and plants
v. supply with water, as with channels or ditches or streams


1.The water in here is the same as the water in there.


2.And any water you turned into holy water is once again regular water.

任何你转化过的圣水 现在都变成普通的水了

3.We had no water and the water was filth.

没有干净的水 都被污染了

4.We had no water and the water was filth.

没有干净的水 都被污染了

5.There was water there. I had water there, so that was something.

那里有水 所以我有水喝 這很關鍵

6.Or water. I could get you some water.

或者水 我可以给你拿点水

7.You turn around, look, it’s just water and water and water.

环顾四周 除了水还是水

8.No, I went to punch the water fountain, slipped in water in front of the water fountain, and hit my head on the water fountain.

不 我本打算一拳砸在饮水器上 结果踩到饮水器前一滩水滑倒 才一头撞上饮水器

9.I heard it takes more water to make a bottle of water than is in a bottle of water.

我听说制作这样一瓶水 需要用到比瓶子里更多的水

10.There’s a water well on my place, we don’t we don’t drink the water because we know damn well we can’t use that water.

我家附近有一口水井 但是我們從不喝井裏的水 我們可確定了 井裏的水絕對不能飲用
