
a. 很少的, 微小的

s very small


1.tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, like a ing doll’s house or something.

极小极小极小 好像在形容娃娃住的小屋一样

2.But, it’s a very, very tiny, tiny, tiny large number.


3.You’re making tiny changes tiny, tiny, tiny changes at a snail’s pace and you are torturing everyone.

你只是在做很小的改动 非常缓慢地做着很微小很微小的改动 你这是在折磨大家

4.Yeah, yeah, tiny clothes, tiny footprints, tiny teeth.

小衣服 小足印 小牙齿

5.Minor surgery with a tiny, tiny needle, like, so tiny, the width of a hair.

用一根很细很细的针 像头发丝那么细的 做个小手术

6.They have very tiny, tiny eyes, because they don’t need them underground.

它们的眼睛也很小 因为在地下根本用不到

7.It’s a tiny bowtie, ’cause you’re my tiny bowtie.

是个小蝴蝶结 因为你就是我的小蝴蝶结

8.And she cut the celery into these tiny, tiny slices.


9.I am taking a wire the width of a hair and maneuvering it through the mom’s abdomen, into the uterus, and then through the amniotic cavity, and then into the tiny fetus’ chest, into an insanely tiny heart, to save a tiny human.

我把一根只有头发丝粗的金属线 穿过一个母亲的腹部 进入子宫 然后穿过羊膜腔 进入小胎儿的胸部 直达异常小的心脏 拯救了这个小生命

10.It was a tiny, tiny dose, just to keep you calm.

剂量很小很小 为了让你镇静下来
