
n. 呼叫, 访问, 打电话, 号召, 召集, 要求
vt. 呼叫, 召集, 打电话
vi. 叫喊, 访问, 叫牌
[计] 调用; 呼叫; DOS内部命令:在批处理文件中调用另一个批处理文件

n. a telephone connection
n. a special disposition (as if from a divine source) to pursue a particular course
n. a demand especially in the phrase “the call of duty”
n. a brief social visit


1.They’re calling you, they’re calling… they’re calling you.

他们要给你打电话 他们要给你打电话

2.I have to call him. I have to call him. I have to call him.

我得打给他 我得打给他 我得打给他

3.Like that call was my calling calling.


4.I have to call him. I have to call him.

我得给他打个电话 得给他打电话

5.Where have you been? I have been calling and calling.

你去哪了 我一直在打你手机

6.I can’t. I’m calling it. I’m calling it.

不行 我认输 我认输

7.I’m not calling for them, I’m calling for you.

我不是打给他们 是打给你

8.You’re the one who, when I called and called and called, wouldn’t answer.

是你不接我一个 一个又一个的 电话

9.calling to tell your calling that you stole my calling.


10.No, she’s gonna call me and call me asking why you’re not calling her.

别啊 她会不停地打我电话 问我为什么你不给她打电话
