
vt. 撤回, 取回, 撤消, 使撤退, 拉开, 移开
vi. 撤退, 离开

v. pull back or move away or backward
v. remove (a commodity) from (a supply source)


1.I can’t comment on that. I’m not withdrawing.

我不能承认那点 我不辞职

2.I’m not sure where, but these are his withdrawals.

我不知道地点 但这里有他的取钱记录

3.She herself made each of these withdrawals.


4.That’s not because I’m drunk. I’m in withdrawal.

这不是因为我喝醉了 这是戒断症状

5.It’s buprenorphine. It helps with the withdrawal.

这是丁丙诺啡 对戒毒者有帮助

6.We don’t even know what he’s withdrawing from.


7.I withdraw that. It’s not a big point.

我撤回刚才所说的 没什么大不了的

8.Until you withdraw, we will not help you.

除非你们先撤走 否则我们不会配合的

9.Here’s the pattern of withdrawals we were talking about.

這是我們所說的 取款記錄

10.I remembered it when I was going through my withdrawal.

