
adv. 作为替代, 反而

r in place of, or as an alternative to
r on the contrary; rather (or instead), he wrote her a letter”


1.instead of coming to me, instead of trusting me, you turned to murder.

而不是来找我 你选择了杀人 而不是相信我

2.Only instead of your house, it’s the tristate area, and instead of 240 volts, it’s like 600,000.

只不过这不是针对你家 而是三州地区 电压也不是家用的240伏 而是六十万伏

3.But instead of the avocado part, I want fresh sea air, and instead of the toast, I’ll have a single grain of rice.

但我不要鳄梨 我要新鲜海洋空气 我不要土司 我要一粒米饭

4.This crossword, which you should be doing instead.

这个填字游戏 你现在应该埋头于此

5.That’s why you’re hunting me instead of them.


6.I don’t do it anymore. instead I do this.

现在不会了 换成这么做

7.instead of up here, with me, where he belonged.

不在这里 他本该在这里的 在我身边

8.You had me, so I popped him instead.

你拉住我了 所以我揍了他

9.I’m so glad we’re doing this instead.


10.instead of worrying about what it isn’t.

不用为了它所不是的样子 感到担忧
