
n. 轴
[计] 坐标轴

n. a straight line through a body or figure that satisfies certain conditions
n. the main stem or central part about which plant organs or plant parts such as branches are arranged
n. in World War II the alliance of Germany and Italy in 1936 which later included Japan and other nations
n. the 2nd cervical vertebra; serves as a pivot for turning the head


1.威力相当于500枚原子弹或者几十枚氢弹同时爆炸] that should have blown the whole planet off its axis.

[发生在俄罗斯西伯利亚埃文基自治区的大爆炸 本来会使地球偏离自转轴

2.They need to tilt based on how they rotate on their axis.


3.Reanimated by the earth being thrown off its axis from the polar fracking.

它们复活是因为地球受到 裂冰采油的影响脱离了轴线

4.These activities could possibly be affecting the earth’s rotation on its axis.

这些活动有可能影响 地球在其轨道上的运转

5.It has to be on a telluric current, or maybe even at the axis of two or where they all intersect.

一定是在大地电流上方 或者可能是在两个的轴线 或者是所有电流交汇处

6….a cycle generated by the gravity of the moon as the earth spins on her axis.

是地球绕月球旋转 月球引力变化的一个周期

7.She is an axis, a point at which humanity’s fortune can swing dramatically.

她就是一个坐标 可以看尽人性的巨变

8.He can only make incisions as long as they are straight and on a vertical axis.

他只能沿着垂直轴方向 进行直线切割

9.Gravity bombs, axis alignment systems, planet shellers.

重力炸弹 轴校准系统 星球剥壳器

10.The foci, and a rift seems to be forming on the axis between them, like they’re tugging at each other.

这些焦点 还有空隙 似乎是绕轴心排列的 仿佛在相互拖曳
