
a. 节日的, 喜庆的, 快乐的
n. 节日, 庆祝, 欢宴

n. a day or period of time set aside for feasting and celebration
n. an organized series of acts and performances (usually in one place)


1.Not just this festival. I told all the festivals.

不仅是这个电影节 我告诉了所有电影节

2.Or your festival, if that’s why you’re here.

也没空参加你的节日 如果你是为这个来的话

3.To all of you, for joining our festivities.

敬在座各位 感谢你们来参加我们的婚礼

4.What’s all this? It’s part of the festival.

这些是什么 庆典的一部分

5.It’s about halfway between the slums and the festival itself.


6.Don’t worry, I’ll be back for the festivities.

别担心 庆典开始前我一定回来

7.Cloves, to me, have that festive appeal.

我认为 丁香有种节日气息

8.This is not the way I envisioned our festival.


9.Why do you have those in your desk? I’m a festive man.

你为什么会在桌子里放这个 我喜欢过节

10….nor I cannot woo in festival terms.

