
n. 中间物, 调停者, 中级
a. 中间的, 中级的
vi. 起媒介作用
[计] 中级

n. a substance formed during a chemical process before the desired product is obtained
a. lying between two extremes in time or space or state


1.You’re an intermediate risk, right down the middle.

属于中度危险 正好在中间段

2.I’d call it intermediate for a art girl like you.

对于你这么聪明的姑娘来说 这算折衷

3.It may simply be… an intermediate stage of growth.

也许只是个 只是胎儿发育的中间期

4.I can argue that negative probabilities only show up in intermediate steps.

我可以说负概率 只出现在中间步骤

5.Organophosphates are known to have an intermediate syndrome that show up a day or two later.

众所周知 有机磷中毒的中间综合征 在一到两天之后才会出现

6.Our overall action plan comprises a series of immediate, intermediate, and longterm goals.

我们的整体计划包含一系列 即时 过渡和长期目标

7.We are missing the fifth right distal phalanx, the left medial and intermediate cuneiforms, as well as the right patella.

第五节右远节指骨不见了 左内侧和中间的楔状骨 以及右侧膝盖骨
