
n. 产品, 制造
vt. 制造, 假造
vi. 制造

v. put together out of artificial or natural components or parts; He manufactured a popular cereal”
v. produce naturally
v. create or produce in a mechanical way


1.So I’m quickly going to show you, since I’m running out of time, in terms of how much it costs for us to manufacture, the biggest idea was rolltoroll manufacturing, so we built this out of 50 cents of parts and costs.

因为时间快用完了 接着我要很快的让你们看看 我们需要花多少成本来制造这些 我们最大的想法是采用连续卷轴式制造 所以可以用50美分就制造出了这个

2.Because we’re going to an engine manufacturer.


3.And if she can’t find evidence, she manufactures it.

所以如果她找不到证据 她就人为去制造

4.Both on the manufacturing side and the military.

无论是制造业的人 还是军界的

5.He’s knocked out the manufacturing of evidence.


6.I could research manufacturers, if you would like.

你需要的话 我可以调查一下制造商

7.This is the manufacture of your greeneyed soul.

你就是这样 越来越爱嫉妒的

8.I’m surprised more manufacturers don’t fit it.


9.For all I know, you’ve manufactured this evidence.

据我所知 证据是你们捏造的

10.So it could be reversedengineered to manufacture more weapons.

所以可以逆向工程 来制造更多武器
