
n. 口袋, 钱袋, 钱, 容器
vt. 装…在口袋里, 隐藏, 抑制, 私吞, 搁置, 击…入袋
a. 袖珍的, 小型的, 压缩的, 金钱上的

n. a small pouch inside a garment for carrying small articles
n. a supply of money
n. (bowling) the space between the headpin and the pins behind it on the right or left
n. a small isolated group of people


1.Put that in your pocket, go put it in your pocket.

放回口袋里 把它放回去

2.In his shirt pocket, not in his back pocket, not in his wallet.

不是裤兜或者钱包 而是在他衬衫的口袋里

3.You’re down here in his pocket, same as me.

你和我一样 就是他的人

4.It’s in my pocket, it’s in my… It is not.

在我口袋里 在我… 没有

5.Well, you said it was in your pants pocket, but then you got it out of your jacket pocket.

你刚才说在你的裤兜里 可你是从外衣口袋里掏出来的

6.You’re creating a lowpressure pocket when you pull him up, and then that pocket is pulling him right back down.

你向上拉他 就会产生低气压区 低压就会形成反作用力向下拉他

7.I put her favorite paci in the front pocket and her second favorite paci in the back pocket.

我把她最爱的奶嘴放在前口袋 她第二爱的奶嘴在后口袋

8.There were holes in the inside of my pockets, so I just glued them together and then I put the jacket on and I forgot and I got drunk and I fell asleep with my hands in my pockets.

我衣服口袋里都破了洞 所以我就用胶水把洞粘好 又直接穿上了衣服 然后我忘记了这茬 喝醉了以后睡着了 手一直在衣服口袋里

9.If I think of the rocks as the energy field, and each pocket on these rocks representing an energy valley on the landscape, as the waves come through, many of them will be trapped in different pockets, rather than travel any further.

如果我把这些岩石想象成能量场 岩石上的每个凹处 代表这片地形上的一个能量低谷 当海浪经过时 很多部分会落入不同的凹处 从而停止前进

10.Cut your ing hands off, cut your feet off, put your feet in your back pockets, put your hands in your front pockets, and then carry your ass out of here like a piece of ing luggage.

然后把你头砍了 脚砍了 两只脚 后兜 一个头塞你前兜 拖着拽着就出门了 跟扔垃圾一样
