
adv. 深刻地, 在深处, 深沉地

r. to a great depth; far down

deeply的用法和例句 impossible situation, and I am so deeply, deeply, deeply sorry for that.

难以挽回的残局 我对此感到非常非常抱歉

2.let me say how deeply, deeply disappointed I am.


3.I’m ashamed of my behavior, and I am deeply, deeply sorry.

我为自己的行为感到羞愧 我也觉得非常非常抱歉

4.For your information, the general and I are deeply, deeply in… engaged.

我要告訴你 我和曼將軍可以說是… …訂婚了

5.I am deeply honored by your presence here, sir, deeply honored.

您的到场给了我极大的荣耀 极大的荣耀

6.So it’s not surprising that you care deeply, so deeply, about this world and all the people in it.

所以你如此在乎 如此关心这个世界和人们 一点也不出奇

7.One who would be deeply, deeply grateful and would add immensely to the spirit of the club.

此人将会对此非常感激 并且会让俱乐部大为增色

8.But now you are on your feet, and you will be deeply, deeply alone until the day you die in your wig.

但现在你独立了 你将会感受到深深的孤独 直到你戴着律师假发死去的那一天

9.We’ve both been deeply wounded by them.

他们的行为伤害了你们 也伤害了我

10.We all deeply care about what we’re doing here.

