
n. 出席, 面前, 存在, 仪态, 风度
[电] 出现

n. the state of being present; current existence
n. the immediate proximity of someone or something
n. an invisible spiritual being felt to be nearby
n. the impression that something is present


1.All current indications of his presence are that there are no current indications of his presence.

所有迹象表明 他现在不在

2.It’s one thing for a person to sense a presence, but it’s an entirely different thing to substitute in your mind that this presence somehow committed a physical act that you yourself did.

感受到幻象是一回事 但是在自己脑中 将自己的所作所为 完全替换到幻象身上是另一回事

3.Anyone who comes into the presence of this masterpiece, or as it really feels, steps across the threshold of that huge work, feels him or herself uncannily in presence of all the characters who populate it.

任何看到这幅杰作的人 也可能是作者本意如此 都仿佛跨越了 这幅巨作的界限 并惊异地感觉到 自身仿佛和画中人物同处一个世界

4.But I I was here. I established a presence.

但我之前一直在这 这地方我占了

5.Shit, there it is again, his presence.

该死 又出现了 他的存在

6.Nice of you to grace me with your presence.


7.Not only that, I could feel your presence, as if I were in the very room with you.

不仅如此 我能感受到你的存在 好像我与你处于相同的空间

8.Our biggest worry is your presence here.


9.There are photos of you wearing it in her presence.

有照片表明 你曾当着她的面佩戴过这枚戒指

10.And you could feel the presence of all those that came before.

你能感觉到 那些巫师灵魂的存在
