
n. 真空, 空间, 真空吸尘器
a. 真空的, 产生真空的, 利用真空的
vt. 用吸尘器打扫

n. the absence of matter
n. a region that is devoid of matter
n. an electrical home appliance that cleans by suction
v. clean with a vacuum cleaner


1.Then, they put packing tape over each end of the tube and they use a vacuum to draw a full vacuum in that tube.

然后在管子两端贴上胶带 用真空吸尘器吸空管子里的空气

2.A man pushes a vacuum cleaner with a force of 70 newtons at a 45degree angle and moves the vacuum cleaner a distance of five meters.

一个男人用70牛顿的力 以45度角推吸尘器 将吸尘器 推动了五米

3.And they were not here to sell vacuums.


4.Watched a couple when I was vacuuming.


5.These things don’t happen in a vacuum.


6.No one’s vacuumed under here for months.


7.You did not vacuum your bed for nothing.

吸尘器没白用 你的床能派上用场

8.And I doubt very, very much that you did that by yourself, that you did that in a vacuum.

而且我十分怀疑那是不是你自己的主意 你做那事时大脑是一片空白吗

9.This is about your… compulsive vacuum of need.

是你的… 性需求

10.The guy is the definition of a vacuum.

